1- Hello again everyone. Happy New year 2010. We were out of town for two weeks visiting family during the holidays, but are now back home and adjusting to the routine again.
2- And suddenly...my nausea is gone. I'm SO glad! I'm still hungry all the time, but if I don't eat I don't feel sick, which is great. I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow. Unbelievable! I feel like this pregnancy is going really fast...I guess it's because I'm not thinking about being pregnant all the time, now I have to take care of little Roxy.
3- Speaking of little Roxy, she is growing so fast. She can now walk really well (and fast) and is using sign language really well too. She can sign water, all done, grapes, banana, thank you, friends, bye, more, and daddy. She can say: "No", "agua (water in spanish)", "elmo", "si", "asii (gracias- that's thank you in spanish) and that's it I think. Her hair is growing a lot too, and it's getting curly in the back, really cute. She's starting to play with dolls and I see her sometimes walking around the house carrying her doll- adorable!

4- We went to the Children's Museum with a friend today for the first time, and she had a blast! We were in the babies section most of the time, but that was enough for her. I loved being able to sit there, and observe how my little baby (I mean toddler, but she'll always be my baby) discovered the world.
Here's a picture I took there:
5- Can I just say that I have the best husband in the world? He made me the cutest Christmas card ever with pictures of him and little Roxy that were coupons for "free time for mommy". I love my husband very much.
6- I am trying to read two books at the same time, which is not going that well. I should probably just read one at a time, right? I am trying to read "A mother's rule of life", and "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world". Both books look really good, I hope I can finish them soon.
7- I want to congratulate my friends the Roses for their new baby, little Edmund! And also my friends the Nicholsons who had their baby girl, Helen, two days ago!
I also want to ask for prayers for my sister in law, Veronica, who will deliver her 4th baby any day now, we're so excited to finally meet little Santiago! And for all my other friends who are pregnant (it's amazing, I know at least 5 other pregnant ladies...there's going to be lots of new babies in 2010- thanks be to God).
Visit Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks Roxanna!
Thanks for your prayers!!!
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